Sunflowers are grown in abundance in the regions of Shinyanga, Singida, Dodoma, Iringa, Tabora, Morogoro, Ruvuma, Mbeya, Arusha, Manyara and Rukwa. This crop is cultivated for food and trade.
Choose the best varieties of seeds
• Choose the best type of seed tolerates a range of diseases, pests, providing a high yield and a large amount of oil.
• Also select the type of seeds that ripen at the same time to facilitate harvesting.
• enriching the soil with compost and manure fertilizer to get the best yields.
Sunflower susceptible to diseases of leaves, roots and ears which causes shortness of harvest. So it is important to manage them in order to obtain high yields and good quality. Additionally reduces the yield in the amount of 50 percent or more. Ways to control the aircraft's drive away and plant the seeds beneath mature early.
• Check to see if the sunflower field matured. Sunflower mature between four to six months after planting. When the kernel contains 25 percent moisture of harvested sunflower It is necessary in advance to avoid the attacks of mice, ants and birds destroyers.
SYMPTOMS OF Sunflower mature
• Ear changes colour from yellow to black to be.
• side of the head of the withers varies from pale yellow to be brown.
HARVESTING, Drying and Handling
Harvesting equipment to carry out the field
• Knife
• Baskets
• Sacks
• canvas
• mats
• Gallery best travel agencies from the field
• trolley
• Matela tractors
• carts and animals
• Vehicles HARVESTING Sunflower is harvested by hand where the ear is cut with a knife. Also machine (combine harvester) are used in harvesting sunflower sunflower growing countries in abundance. Sunflower heads are placed in baskets that are used in collecting sunflower field. Then sunflowers are then packed in bags and transported to the home ready for drying.
There are two stages of drying sunflower; grain drying and drying sunflower seeds. drying ears
• Corn shalt not large, flat on the best gallery in the depth of 30 centimeters so that they can dry out thoroughly.
• It also can spread on tarpaulins, mats or floor clean.
• The goal of this step is dried sunflower heads to facilitate threshing. Threshing Threshing is done after making sure that the heads of the sunflowers dry well. Sunflower heads are beaten out by hand where the seeds are separated by hitting ears procedures using tree. It is important to avoid hitting heads procedures shred seeds
. • Also put on the best gallery, tarpaulins or mats.
• Sunflower seeds are dried in the sun to spread on to vaccinate best, tarpaulins, mats or floor clean.
• Spread the seeds in a depth of 4 cm to be able to dry properly.
• The goal of this step is drying the seeds after threshing to achieve the required level of moisture for safe storage, which is 8 percent.
rubbing seeds
• dried seed pods easily it comes to the point where cleaned. Pouring into the vessel as bucket
• dried seeds emit bright, when they poured out on these vessels.
• The dried seeds shine Use timer drain.
• Seeds dried properly measure reflects 8 percent
Winnowing and sifting is done to remove waste such as rocks, insects, chaff, seed rotten or cracked. Sunflower seeds are sifting using a sieve or a machine operated by hand or electric engines. These machines are capable of winnowing and sifting 60 to 350 kg per hour depending on the type of machine and the size of the machine itself
Sunflower beaten out which is stored in the warehouses of the best well-defined, ie Henge, cheese. Sunflower storage in warehouses in sacks and startled to be planned on overlaps. To simplify the task of reviewing the store, leave space of one meter from the wall.
Seal all parts of the warehouse to prevent rodents to enter. Mice like to eat sunflower kernel, and causes a significant reduction of the kernel that causes the loss of 30 percent for a period of three months of storage. Percentage of losses may be higher depending on the number of rats and the availability of other foods at the same time.
Use Sunflower seeds Sunflower seeds can be eaten mainly containing lines after fried or dried. Also used in the manufacture of bread. Sunflower seeds are processed to obtain products of oil.
Processed Sunflower SEEDS OF GETTING FAT
• milking machine oil
• Filter clean
• Bucket
• packs
• pots
• Balance Raw Materials
• Sunflower seeds
• Water
• Salt
Routes milking OIL
• Choose the best sunflower seed
• put in the sun for a period of 1 to 2 hours
• Set the machine to press the bridge or Ram
• Wring oil
• Fuel Filter cloth or clean filter
• Add water and salt. In 10 liters of fuel put a liter of water and 200 grams of salt.
• Place the oil in the heating container (pan)
• Boil until all water is over
• Sounds boiling when it is an indication that the water is gone.
• sprout, let it cool down, then strain with a clean cloth or filter
• Pack into clean and dry containers and contain covered
• Keep seals and labels • Store in a clean, dry and dim.
Oil is used in different recipes and contain the following nutrients: - fat 100 grams Power kilokalori 900
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