Honeycomb Worldwide well known as one of the strange weapon in the fight against diseases and complications arising from old age. Now, a new study has shown that the ability of honey can be added twice as common shall be inter cropped with cinnamon.
A detailed examination done a week by the journal World News of Medicine, specialist drug exposure to plants with a pamphlet of health and nutrition, proved that there are dozens of the importance of honey and cinnamon together and combinations {drugs} stimulation that leads to better health .
If the following:
1. Ingredients disease / arthritis pain and swelling.
Nutrition experts recommend taking using a mixture of one part honey with For two parts of lukewarm water and one tablespoon of tea containing cinnamon - and massage the affected parts. Cheaper found in one minute.
Otherwise make tea-cup containing hot water, put -viwili food spoons of honey with teaspoon of cinnamon. Drink in the morning and evening to relieve pain.
In studies done recently by a university in Copenhagen, doctors gave patients 200} {syrup mixture of one teaspoon of tea * * One of honey and cinnamon every morning before breakfast. 73% percent of them reported significant relief of their pain and increase in doing activities like moving and walking better.
Ikishachanganywa honey and cinnamon with warm olive oil, provides an invaluable stimulus to grow the hair used in medicine Dork. This mixture is applied warm to rub on the head and left for 15 minutes.
3. fungus
Mix large table spoon of honey, two tablespoons of cinnamon tea {}. Pakaa affected parts of the night for half an hour, then wash with soap and water. Your problem will end a period of one week.
4.Bladder Infection
The glass of warm water mixed with two tablespoons} {teaspoons of cinnamon and one teaspoon of tea} {honey eliminates bacteria in the bladder. You can use cranberry juice instead of water if it becomes a chronic prostate infection.
5. toothache.
Mix five parts of honey and one part cinnamon and use for tooth pain.
Extract on the affected tooth or teeth until the pain disappear.
6. canker SORES.
Salad anointing sores mixed with honey and cinnamon tea of raspberry
red is good medicine to remove pain of canker sores.
7. Cholesterol.
Cholesterol Measurement of the people who were in good health in an attempt} {dropped by an average of 10 percent in less time than two hours after drinking one glass ounce {16} with two big tablespoons of cinnamon mixed with hot tea. This drink was found three worked good download rate Cholesterol body.
Side effects may be observed foods containing fat for regular consumption of this tea with your food. This has been reported by a prominent researcher Dr Alexander Andreyed and Eric Vogelmann.
Their discovery was on the renowned medical journal of Denmark as well as the July 1994 / observed either another study that provide the daily consumption of pure honey reduces Cholesterol rates.
Influenza known that are lost / leave after a few hours after the victims using a tablespoon {at the table} of warm honey mixed with a quarter teaspoon {tea} of cinnamon, this combination is specific to help remove sneezing and sore throat.
Honey is believed to arouse and lovers of both sexes are advised to drink two teaspoons table of every day before sleep time at night.
Cinnamon has been used for a long time in Indian and Chinese medicine to increase reproductive potential for needy mothers give birth.
This link cinnamon mixed with the amount of honey to make yoghurt {Paste} which is rubbed on the gums and teeth and absorption by the body entry procedures.
One family has a child that was not use this yoghurt successfully and get female twins after the failure of 14 years to have a child. They have given up having a baby until they heard about this mixture of honey and cinnamon.
10. upset stomach
Honey has been recognized for a long time as a remedy appropriate to remove the disturbance of the stomach with nausea. Add a small amount of cinnamon and miraculously this therapy also minimizes pain caused by ulcers. Gas-Co2. HCO3. Hcl.
Eat honey and cinnamon can remove the disturbance of the stomach and intestines attainable with gas according to a case study was conducted in India and Japan.
12.Heart Disease
You can prevent heart disease by preventing the accumulation of fat in the network of blood vessels by eating honey and cinnamon regularly-for anointed him during breakfast.
Eating honey wheat bread sprinkled with multiple fibre tablespoon of table {the}
The above mixture every day. This treatment of the signs could reduce clotting of the blood vessels in 74% of patients who were in the house that sheltered patients - one study showed.
13. Hypertension} {HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE
Hypertension with complications of chest pain and dizziness disappeared from most patients only a few weeks after researchers Italian-giving regular doses of honey and cinnamon. Tests showed blood pressure
regularly and all 137 who underwent the test report feel good / better after a few weeks of this wonderful treatment.
14.Immune System
Your immune system will increase three times more if you regularly use honey and cinnamon together - experts say.
Medical research shows that the greatest treasure of vitamins and minerals as well as other combinations with immune diseases provided by white blood cells, helps prevent disease and parasites destroy virus and bacteria.
Honey has a long history of arousing the penis as well as being an effective medicine to cure impotence.
Due to its potential as charge, honey was banned by the clergy in some of the Eastern religions of the world. Last year, Australian researchers found that honey has the ability to send the body to various hormones as with cinnamon, in Africa and the world to the south, the sailors have been cat honey in their out of the penis to increase their stamina and sex.
16. food indigestion.
Two tablespoons of honey eliminates heartburn and experts say that honey helps release juices selected for foods that are used belly and cinnamon adds speed selected foods.
Studies have confirmed that one of the Spanish form of natural medicine strange one which destroys pathogens.
You can live up to 100 years to achieve and enjoy a healthy lifestyle and effective for daily drinking cold cup of tea of cinnamon and honey. Making this delicious drink, put four tablespoons of cinnamon {great} in three cups of water and stir for 10 minutes to drink a quarter cup found three or four times and it will be too much to drink.
19. Pimples.
Mix three tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon and anointed the pimples.
The ability of honey to kill the bacteria normally made your face in two weeks.
20.insect seduction
expose honey and cinnamon directly on the affected parts and repeated irritation when you . Repeat again until pain disappear.
21.Madh skin infections
Do as instructed above. Repeat this until the situation ended.
22. Weight loss
you may love all the foods you love, be in good health and reduce the weight of the body that is not required to eat a powerful and delicious, full of two essential elements of nature that is honey make sure you use them all the amount in your recipe. Moreover, experts say you can remove debris lung outside the body to start your day using two tablespoons of honey mixed with a tablespoon of cinnamon in a cup of lukewarm water. Repeat this mixture before bedtime.
During the winter Approximate, which Accompanies few exercises, add these two things in the natural food is incidental. Also this drink lukewarm and experts in nutrition that reduces the desire to eat together and bring the body temperature.
The study was concluded recently in Australia and Japan, have shown that honey has great potential in the treatment of a patient who uses drugs to treat cancer.
In studies conducted in patients who suffer from the reduced rate of bone and stomach cancer, those who consume a daily dose of honey and cinnamon, expressed doubled to recover than those who used the cancer drug used alone. "We gave a teaspoon of cinnamon and honey found three times a month" .says Dr Hiroki Owatta. "Others stayed and regular meals."
There is new evidence that the natural sugar contained in honey have the potential to increase the energy body. When used appropriately, these sugars can help seniors and others suffering from fatigue, experts recommend half teaspoon of honey in half a glass of water, sprinkled with cinnamon and drink two hours after waking up in the morning. "Drinking again at 9 pm when energy begins to drop {power}" advises Dr Milton Abbozza whom his work on honey and cinnamon as a catalyst for energy-recognized international body.
25. Feet SORE
Apply honey and cinnamon movement in the affected suit} {feet after a long day's work or after a long practice. Repeat every morning and then washed in cold water suit and sandals.
26. emanate from the mouth
South America they gargle with honey and cinnamon together and warm each morning to make the smell from the mouth to be good and pure in nature. In south-east Asia, people eat a teaspoon of cinnamon and honey to remove bad breath halitosis {}. Experts believe that the ability to kill existing bacteria in honey is what you fought the bad smell from the mouth.
Daily doses of honey and cinnamon makes the state's attention and be careful if ancient Greeks.
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