
Recent years, the expertise to grow mushrooms have begun in Tanzania after people Considering nutritious protein and other benefits of this crop. Since mushrooms lacking the variety, its cultivation differs in its requirements, including air conditioning, an incubation raw materials, ease of technology to grow in the area of ​​Tanzania and its market for citizens in the hotel. However it is only a few citizens who know the cultivation of mushrooms.

Mushrooms produced is known. Type Tanzania is suitable for those that thrive well in warm areas of moderate temperature of 20C to 33C. For example mushrooms motherly type, etc. These types of mushrooms also require state of the humidity (moisture) to the amount of 75%.

Before you start producing mushrooms should be a room with a roof that will block the sun, rain, and dust. This room should be moist and conserves floor with dark parts that are important for growing mushrooms membrane. A local farmer can use the box as part of the dark.

Mushroom seeds are produced in the laboratory containing devices support planting seeds without contamination or mix and parasites like bacteria, mold or other communities that are not used to eat  mushrooms. Here Tanzania now these laboratories are Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), University of Dar es Salaam, the research center of agriculture Uyole, a research institute of agriculture garden- Tengeru (Horti -Tengeru, Arusha), and TIRDO

Measures necessary to grow mushrooms
  1. Collect crop residues such as straw, rice straw, wheat, rice or maize bran, sugar cane bagasse etc. after milking. These items are used as raw materials for mushroom incubation.
  2. stalks, rice straw or banana should be cut to a maximum height of 6 cm, or the length of the fingers with a machete or knife.
  3. Soak the raw material in ordinary water for a whole day (24 hours).
  4. Then boil for two hours to kill germs and parasites with the content.
  5. take out from boil and pour out all the water and then spread to the gallery clean to cool down without contamination by dust or germs.
  6. Then fill this raw material in plastic bags ready to sow.

How to Climb
There are two types of planting

The first type
Take a plastic bag with a width of 40 cm - 45 cm height 75. Put a layer of raw material to incubation with a depth of 10 cm in the bag and then scatter the seeds of mushrooms on it. After placing the seeds, put another layer of incubation again and put the seeds on it. Continue to add layers in this manner until it reaches load three-quarters of the fund.

Type II
Mix the raw materials of incubation (after the boiled and cooled) with Spawn in a ratio of 1: 25 (Seed: raw materials of incubation) for edible mushrooms motherhood (Pleurotus spp.). Then the mixture was filled in polythene bags and this should be the size of 20 cm to 40 cm in which you can fill kilo from 1 to 1.5 for the raw material of incubation.

Close the vents perforate the bags and bags with a diameter of 1 cm per distance of 6 cm to 10 per bag. vents be plenty enough to incorporate air into the pockets. Note mushrooms is a living being that you need to breathe.

Put the bags in a dark room. For an ordinary farmer can use then irrelevant adopted light as a dark room. Leave the bags there for a period of 14 days - 21 without unveil to the white fog that you can hang properly.

Scattered mushrooms when you have determinedly well on raw materials of incubation, move to room with light and ventilated non-beaten by the sun. In the room with light, the bags can be placed on the table, wickerwork wires or trees.

Funds may also hanging on a rope from the rafters of the room. You maintain the humidity in the room of light to pour water on the floor. If you see you are drying carriers can spray water boiled and cooled on bags three or more times a day. Use a mobile tube the size of a single gallon water spraying. Please: do not exceed the water because the water levels are too many mushrooms can compost starts to germinate. Many species of mushrooms begin to give heads (pins) on 2 - 3 after being placed on the light.

Mushrooms are ready for harvesting after three days of heads / pins appear. Mushroom harvested by hand to keep the middle of the stem of the mushroom. Do not remove the head alone in harvesting mushrooms for retaining the stem prevents another mushroom happen. Farmer should know the mushroom market before harvesting to avoid storage costs. after harvest  mushrooms should be eaten before they need replacement.

How to store
i) You may put the mushrooms in paper bags and store in refrigerator.
ii) You may be exposing up to dry and put on polythene does not conduct and tight well to air and moisture.

Market Mushrooms
i) Many people like raw mushrooms which came from the field at the same time as a condiment, for use as meat, fish, or as an ingredient.
ii) You can sell fresh mushrooms in the price of Tshs 6000 / = to 10,000 / = per kilo for mushrooms.
Also you can sell abroad if your mushrooms are significantly and is internationally accepted standards in specially bestowed.

Production of mushrooms focus on the weather and the facilities have, therefore, before you select the type of mushrooms you want to grow consult with experts around you.

When you buy seeds, if you plant at the same time, be sure to reserve the seeds in the refrigerator. If you do not have the freezer, bought seed after preparing everything. However, the germination of the seed is good if will live out of the refrigerator for two days.

Mushroom seeds are placed inside a millilitre bottle 300, you can use one bottle at the plant on 15 kilograms of the raw material of incubation. Make sure
you finish all the seeds inside the bottle remains as it will get fungal infections.
Make sure when you buy seed it is white. Seeds that are not white are signs of infection of other pathogens and thus inappropriate for the plant.

Make sure the room is clean and the ascent of blunt dust out to prevent infections mushrooms.

do not irrigate mushrooms using non heated water as the water is often not safe. May cause other organisms to grow, as mushrooms are weak to withstand competition from parasites.

It also can cause diseases of mushrooms which requires him to treat manufactured drugs that are toxic and thus causing harm to consumers. You can get many benefits from the production of mushrooms.

Benefits of Mushrooms
Nutrition as that which corresponds to the protein in milk, fish and legumes. You will also find vitamins B, C, and D, and iodine, phosphoras, iron and potash.

Mushrooms credibility treat diseases like tuberculosis, diabetes, heart, blood pressure and kidney.

Crop residues used in producing mushrooms, and after cultivation of mushrooms can be used as natural fertilizer for gardening. Residues of mushroom cultivation is also used as food for livestock like cattle.

Agriculture This requires a very small area of ​​land and a small amount of water, it eliminates the problem of landlessness and discord in society caused by the same problem.

Agriculture This is the year round, and the first round is between 6 to 12 weeks

Agriculture This is a simple way to provide jobs for families due to the low cost, simple technology used and its output high.


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