Aubergine is in the category of plants involving tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes candle. This vegetable has important nutritional value as well as mining of limestone and iron, vitamins A, B and C, carbohydrates, protein and water. This vegetable used to make soup or as an ingredient in various foods.
It also can be stored by cutting pieces and placed in cans.
This crop requires average temperatures, deep soil fertile enough and do not retain water. Typically eggplant cultivated more than one season, but in tropical countries (heat) this crop is cultivated in a season.
Types of eggplant area being cultivated in large quantities in the countries of the temperate zone are as follows: -
Black Beauty:
This type bears very, blackened fruit, dramatic, and circular
Florida Market.
Florida Fruit Market is shaped egg. This form also bears much fruit, but easily attacked by bacterial wilt disease (Bacterial wilt)
Florida High Bush.
Its fruits are large egg-shaped and green mixed with black.
Newyork spineless.
Fruits of Newyork spineless are rounded, large and contain color purple.
This variety produces so much, its fruits are large quantities and is shaped egg.
Other types of eggplant are granite, Kopek and Rosita. These types are very occasional attacks wilt disease bacteria.
Growing the seed:
Seeds are sown in the nursery first and then seedlings are transferred to the field. Before spawning, we will make a one meter wide and any length. Apply natural fertilizers such as manure or rotting garbage properly, the amount of one or two buckets in the area of one square meter. seed volume two to three grams (half a teaspoon containing five grams load) in the area.
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500 grams of seeds are enough to transplant in the area of one hectare. Spacing between rows should be 10 to 15 centimeters and 1.5 centimeters be comprehensive. When sowing seeds buried and spread straw and then watered. Continue watering the garden every day, morning and evening, until the seeds germinate cleft. Seeds germinate in 10 to 12 days.
The seedlings are ready to transplant the field after six to eight weeks. While this is the height of 15 to 20 centimeters (equivalent to the length of a pencil).
One month before planting seedlings, fertilize the soil with natural fertilizers composted set properly. These fertilizers are as manure, green manures and chicken manure.
Enter the amount of 10 to 20 tons per hectare. This amount is similar to the one set up two buckets containing 20 liter in the area of one square meter. Fertilizer mixed N.P.K form of a ratio of 20:10:10 is placed in the hole when planting the seedling. The amount required is three to five grams (equivalent to half a teaspoon to a tablespoon little tea) per hole.
Place transplant depends on the type of eggplant. Subtypes are grafted in place of 80 to 100 centimeters from row to row and 50 to 60 centimeters from seedling to plant. Type big graft in place until the space of 80 centimeters from row to row 100 and 80 to 90 centimeters from seedling to plant. The task of transferring seedlings executed with the utmost care to avoid at the root.
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· Keep mulch.
Immediately after transplanting seedlings, spread hay. Mulch helps retain moisture, prevent weeds to germinate and increases soil fertility.
· Weeding.
Make sure the field is clean at all times to prevent competition for food, water and light between plants and weeds. Cleanliness of the field also eliminates havens pests and prevents the spread of diseases.
Fertilizer promotional type of S / A is set three weeks after the plant starts to flower. The amount of three to five grams placed round each. Fertilization be kept at a distance of five to 15 centimeters from the trunk, depend on the size of the plant. Make sure to touch the fertilizer plant.
Cutting peak.
Two weeks after transplanting seedlings, cut the top part of the plant (peak) as you ascend the long variety eggplant. This will help you get up to four and three branches forming plant get three to four branches and forming the shape of the bush. Four branches littering removed in order to get the best yields.
Eggplant crop grows well when get enough water. Irrigation should be carried out every morning and evening, depending on weather conditions.
Preventing pests and diseases.
Vivyatomvu of Aubergine (Eggplant Lacebugs)
These insects are vulnerable to the lower part of the leaf. It absorbs the sap of the leaves and cause the leaves have white or yellow patches. Attack leaves littering falls down. Vinyatomvu can be prevented by spraying one of the following: -
Deltamethrin (Decis), dimethoate (Sapa dimethoate) fenvalerate (Sumicidin), Lambda - cyhalothrin (Karate).
Aphids or insects oil (Cotton Aphids)
These are small insects with black paint. Attacks young leaves and stunting their source and sad. Prevent these pests by using one of the following: -
Dimocron 50% E.C, Lambda - cyhalothrin (Karate) Dichlorvos (Mogos).
Elusiveness of Plants (Red Spider TES).
It is a tiny germs contain crimson. Attacks straw for sucking the sap. Leaves that are susceptible shows like spider webbing. Attacks mea littering the retarded, the leaves wither and eventually die.
Elusiveness is blocked by using the following drugs: - Acrex, Karathane 25% W.P, dimethoate, Ekalux, Kelthane.
Root knotnematodes.
These insects attack the roots. Provides stool that is toxic to the plant. This causes toxins to be rooted hump as the roots of beans. Attack littering the plant is stunted, wither and eventually die.
Ways to prevent these pests are changing crop pattern after harvesting this crop, the next crop should not be the one category and eggplant as well as tomatoes, peppers and potatoes. Also spray form of carbofuran (Furadan) can be used.
Bacterial wilt (Bacterial Wilt).
This disease is caused by backteria. Plant withers suddenly attacked especially during the heats.
Wilt bacteria can be prevented by changing the crop. If the land will be invaded by the disease eggplant crop literally planted in the area for a period of three to five years.
Another way is to plant eggplant varieties such as Matale, Kopek and Rosita that endures an attack of this disease.
Phomopsis Vexans:
This disease is caused by bacteria from attacking the leaves, stems and fruit.
Verticillium Wilt.
Spreads and water and cause plant stunting, leaf sad and fall.
Disease Phomopsis vexans and Verticillium Wilt can be prevented by removing ma burn the plants attacked, rotations, and put the field in a sanitary condition at all times.
Eggplant begins to mature fruit after two to three months from the transplant. Harvesting continues for a period of more than four months and it must be done early in fruit maturation. Very ripe fruit unsuitable because farmed and fibres and ripe seeds.
Harvest two or three times a week, using a sharp knife so as not to hurt your friend fruit.
Usually this crop bears much fruit if it has been preserved properly. Well-maintained field can yield 50 to 60 tons per hectare. However yields depends on the type of eggplant, irrigation and soil fertility.