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Overtaking on the highway is a very dangerous trick. A lot can go wrong if you don't do it right.

As a result, it can cause an accident or permanent disability for you or for other people, as well as damage to other property, including vehicles!

Therefore, when overtaking, it is important to follow these steps:

1. Think if there is a need for you to overtake. You may feel frustrated by being stuck behind a slow driver and waiting for your ride, but if you want to overtake on that road, is there any risk involved? Ask if it is safe to pass. Are there no "passing" signs on the road? Are there any hazards ahead such as pedestrian crossings or intersections? What? are you coming around a corner or is there a road slope that hides your vision? Never attempt to pass unless there is a clear view of both lanes of the road ahead.

2. Look both ways. What? do you have a clear line of sight? Will there be enough space (about 100 meters, the length of a football field) ahead after crossing the border? Remember, you will not only need enough space to accelerate past it, but also space to pass the car in front and overtake the car in front without causing them to slow down.

3. Remember the performance of your car. Are you used to driving alone, but today you have passengers and luggage in the boot? Or is it an uphill road?

Do not think that you can follow another car that is passing in front of you. They may have judged that there is enough room for them to cross, but there may not be for you either. Additionally, you don't necessarily have a clear view of the road when following another vehicle.

Do not get too close to the vehicle you want to overtake. If you change your mind about overtaking you need to be able to stop if the car in front stops! Remember (and follow) the second two rules.

4. Check your mirrors. Make sure the road is clear – not only in front of you in the oncoming lane, but also behind you and you may need to look quickly where you can't see, over your right shoulder – there may be a car or motorcycle about to overtake you. you didn't see it at first. Then before committing to overtake – check again!

5. Stay back and see the signs. This will give you a chance to accelerate while showing the car in front of you (or any behind you) that you are about to pass.

6. Keep checking the road and your mirrors. If there is an unexpected danger, you will need to return quickly and safely.

7. Accelerate assertively. Make sure you pass quickly and in a controlled and confident manner.

#REMEMBER ; The important thing is for you and others who use the road to arrive safely and not the other way around.

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The environment is the situation or things that surround the creature in the place where it lives. In the environment , there are trees that provide us with wood, firewood, fruit, animal feed and shade that helps humans rest during the hot sun.

There are various types of trees such as papaya, vine, and mfenesi. However, trees are used in construction activities by craftsmen. Before putting cement, trees are used to provide the house with a good foundation. Later, the trees are used to make furniture such as tables, chairs and even beds. The desks that students use in the classroom are made of wood

Trees are the habitat of animals .

There are wildlife or wild animals like lion, chimpanzee, lion, rhinoceros and elephant. These animals are an attraction for tourists. Without forests, animals would be homeless. Obviously, animals bring the government a lot of money. So it is better to take good care of them.

There are various types of trees such as papaya, vine, and mfenesi. However, trees are used in construction activities by craftsmen. Before putting cement, trees are used to provide the house with a good foundation. Later, the trees are used to make furniture such as tables, chairs and even beds. The desks that students use in the classroom are made of wood.

Trees are the habitat of animals .

There are wildlife or wild animals like swara, lion, chimpanzee, lion, rhinoceros and elephant. These animals are an attraction for tourists. Without forests, animals would be homeless. Obviously, animals bring the government a lot of money. So it is better to take good care of them.

Trees are medicine.

Not every human being is always perfect. When anyone gets sick, trees are used as medicine. A good example is neem. Those who suffer from stomach ache can get treatment. For the Maasai community, they use trees to make medicine. Local medicines have helped those who are not used to hospital medicines. The problem is that modern medicines are expensive. So leave the tradition of being a slave, it is better to use trees as medicine.

It is used for religion or prayer .
There are some denominations that use trees for religious activities. This happens when the church is not finished building. It is not surprising to see worship being done under a tree. When we are in the room, there is a smell of gas and also smoke. There are people who live near factories. When the factory is doing its activities, there must be strong smoke. Not on the road, not in the shops. When you are outside, you will breathe fresh air into the environment.

Trees absorb rain.
There are many places that are dry like Turkana, Marsabit. These parts have no trees. Trees absorb rain. That is why the Kenyan government encourages citizens to plant trees all the time. If we don't plant trees in our schools or homes, our country will turn into a disaster.

What? Where do the books students use come from? The answer is in factories like "Rai Paper" trees are used to make paper. Not only writing paper, but bags for carrying sugar in the store, also the newspapers that we read are made of trees.

In the neighborhood there are many farming activities. Even the price of gas is a cost for humans. In order to reduce the loss of buying and filling gas every day, trees are used as firewood. If you visit the market places, you will definitely be sold firewood at a cheap price. If we burn trees we will get the benefit of charcoal.

In coastal areas, there is a very strong wind. Portions of the sea There is a wind that blows. Trees are used to prevent strong winds if it is hot, trees bring calmness. Trees produce a lot of oxygen. For seasons about 10 people are reduced per year.

Trees prevent soil erosion .

Trees work to fight soil erosion and store rainwater. Forests make the soil stick together. Trees reduce stress in human life.

It is better to enjoy the theme under the trees together with our families. The trees that give us shade are called mvule . These trees provide gardens for the community.

It is not good for humans to cut trees randomly. When we do that, we increase the amount of carbon dioxide that is not clean for humans and also the erosion of the earth is dangerous for humans.

Other effects of deforestation are the disappearance of wildlife and loss of habitat. When we cut trees we reduce the water level in major rivers. It is better to take care of the environment to enjoy the benefits than the losses.

Trees help humans make the environment attractive. Where there is a lot of dust, people suffer from eye disease. Then the environmentalist, Wangari Maathai emphasized the planting of trees. The sages were not wrong when they said that, where there are trees, there is no shortage of builders.

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 Pesticides are widely used around the world to help plant growth. Although they are effective drugs, they contain toxic chemicals that can damage our cognitive and nervous systems.

15 years ago, Tim Parton, manager or farm master of Brewood Park farm in Staffordshire in England, decided to take action and started experimenting with organic farming.

Instead of using pesticides and fertilizers, he puts natural inputs that reproduce themselves, such as trichoderma, and fungi on his plants, to help them grow and fix nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil.

Parton is part of a growing community of transplant farmers. This farming is a new agricultural method that prioritizes soil and environmental health by reducing synthetic or chemical inputs.

He started using this method after he developed headaches and skin rashes from using chemical pesticides.

Since starting to use the organic farming method, Parton has not experienced any health effects. He has not had to use any phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on his crops for more than 10 years. "I try to keep the plant as balanced as possible, and if the plant has received the right nutrition, it does not get sick," he says.

The extent of pesticide use in the world

Pesticides or pesticides are substances or chemicals used to repel, destroy and control insects, weeds or other organisms that affect plant growth.

Although effective, pesticides contain toxic chemicals that can have severe, and sometimes toxic, effects on human sensory organs and the nervous system.

First used in the 1930s to protect crops in the United States, many agricultural communities have recently become dependent on the use of pesticides or herbicides because they help to increase yields. Today, almost a third of the world's agricultural products depend on these pesticides.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are more than 1,000 types of pesticides used worldwide, with some of the most common types being herbicides (49%), fungicides and bacteria (27%) and insecticides. (19%).

In 1990, global pesticide use was 1.69 billion kg; this number grew by more than 57% in the last two decades, reaching 2.66 billion kilos in 2020.

A report by the United Nations Environment Program predicts continued growth in pesticide use. Since the world's population is expected to reach 9.3 billion people by 2050, a 60 percent increase in the level of food production is required. To develop and meet these needs, researchers believe farmers will need to use more pesticides or herbicides to combat weeds and plant diseases.

According to a study of European agricultural systems, completely abandoning pesticides can lead to a 78% loss of fruit production, a 54% decrease in vegetable yields and a 32% loss of cereal crops.

But our reliance on pesticides also comes at a high environmental cost, with research showing pesticides may be responsible for loss of scent in honey bees, polluting water sources, and threatening aquatic ecosystems.

Health effects

Pesticides or insecticides are harmful if you eat them through food or crops that are produced or grown and protected by these pesticides. Its effects are through a process known as bioaccumulation. This happens when toxins build up in the body due to our bodies not being able to break them down. So many pesticides can accumulate in fat in the body.

This can have a negative impact on human health. Despite international regulations on pesticide use, one study estimates that as many as 385 million cases of accidental pesticide poisoning occur among farm workers each year.

When sprayed, pesticides produce vapors that can turn into air pollutants. In the United States, 37-54% of pesticide-related illnesses among agricultural workers are attributed to inhalation of pesticides.

Early symptoms of pesticide exposure can include headaches, nausea, dizziness and respiratory problems, says Michelle Perro, a former pediatrician who founded the nonprofit GMO Science, a public forum where doctors discuss and analyze the effects of genetically modified crops and foods.

Health effects can range from seizures to breathing problems. Conditions and long-term use of the type of drug used also cause effects on our sensory and nervous systems. "By inhaling pesticides through the lungs it can be more toxic, because our gut has microbes that help detoxify," says Perro.

A 2020 study found that of the estimated 860 million agricultural workers in the world, 44% are affected by the toxicity of these pesticides each year. This is due to the lack of protective equipment or the use of defective equipment, which causes effects through the skin, inhalation or ingestion.

"When pesticides enter the body through inhalation, they [pass through] our blood-brain barrier and impair nerve function," says Chen. "Alternatively, [pesticides] can enter our bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract if they are ingested or eaten."

Many studies also show a link between the use of these drugs and diseases of the nervous system. Pesticides have been linked to conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's is a brain disease where a person lacks the hormone dopamine. This happens after the cells that make dopamine are damaged. A person with this disease has hand tremors, along with difficulty walking. A person may also have thinking problems.

Insecticides during pregnancy or in children are also associated with asthma among children.

Because they are designed to target the organism's nervous tissue, pesticides such as organophosphates, carbamates and organochlorine pesticides are more toxic than herbicides.

In 2014, children of the same school were poisoned by these poisons in Bordeaux, France. At the primary school near the vineyard, 23 students experienced nausea, headaches and skin irritation after fungicides were sprayed in the vineyard.

That led to a fine of $31,842 for the two vineyards involved, after a private lawsuit was filed by two French environmental associations Sepanso and Génération Futures.

Cases of children falling ill from exposure to pesticides can be found all over the world, from Hawaii to New Zealand. In India, drug poisoning among children has been an important public health issue for decades now.

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About 690 million people face hunger in the world, about 8.9% of the world's population - it is equal to 10 million people per year facing hunger, where it is about 60 million people in 5 years. This is according to the World Food Organization, FAO.

Despite the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations to have a world without hunger by 2030, there are still concerns about measures to deal with the epidemic in the world. There are challenges of climate change, wars, economic conditions, policies and other disasters that have become obstacles that threaten the achievement of that goal.

FAO says, there should be a major change in the world's food and agriculture system in order to save the 690 million people facing hunger in the world and another 2 billion people who will be there by the year 2050. Increase production in agriculture and produce food that can withstand the weather, diseases, not cultivated for a long time and lasting for a long time, is a solution recommended by experts.

Due to the rise in the cost of living in many areas of the world at the moment due to the global economic crisis in the last two years due to the Corona epidemic and now the effects of the war between Ukraine and Russia, there are foods that can be a refuge for many people including the poor in saving the world from hunger. Below are five foods that can be used to reduce the high cost of living.


It is a favorite food that can be cooked, grilled, fried, dried, mashed or eaten as is. It is said to be resistant to all conditions with the ability to be stored and last for a long time. Native to South America. The countries of Nigeria, Thailand, and Indonesia are the largest cassava producers in the world.

These countries are rarely heard complaining about hunger or inflation, due to this product being used by many residents during times of crisis and difficult situations. President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has recently asked his people to turn to cassava diet as an antidote to the fall in the price of wheat at a time when the cost of living around the world has risen.

"If there is no bread, eat cassava he said.

There is a type of cassava that can cause harm if not cooked, but most of the ones used now seem to be safe for health, with enough nutrients. Cassava has enough carbohydrates to support energy. 100 grams of cassava contains 191 calories, some with vitamins, minerals and trace elements important for the health of the consumer.


Like cassava, potato is another root food that is resilient to all conditions and can be used to reduce high living costs. There are more than 10 types of potatoes in the world, but the most common are potato chips and sweet potatoes, which are mostly used for breakfast.

This crop also takes a long time to cultivate until it is harvested. You can dry it, grind it, fry it, cook it or just eat it. It is a product that can be used to reduce the cost of living and hunger in many areas of the world.


According to the Agricultural Research Center, Ilonga short-term peas mature between 120 to 125 days, just three months in the upper zone in the cold, short-term peas mature in a longer period of days

There are local peas that mature between 210 to 270 days. Short-term peas produce more crops than the local ones if they are cultivated according to technical information. This is a crop and food that can help get food in a short time.


Millet is a type of grain, with small seeds. It is one of the crops that, if used properly, helps to a great extent to cope with the changing conditions of the country and also in the fight to prevent hunger. Millet can be ground and used as ugali flour, it can be made into bread, it can be boiled and eaten or it can be cooked as bread. SERENA and DOBBS sorghum with brown grains thrive in areas with moderate rainfall and mature in 110 days.


"Uwele" not only thrives in harsh environments, but has also entered the hearts of many people living in arid areas. Uwele Gadam type is widely cultivated in the dry areas of Eastern Kenya. As in the case of sorghum, potatoes, cassava and peas, Uwele, if used properly, will be able to help reduce the high cost of living.

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This article discusses how the farmers of the village of Sakalilo, county district Ilemba Sumbawanga in Rukwa, they benefited from modern rice cultivation known as intensive agriculture.

According to the article, residents of the village who are growers of paddy years were receiving an average of five to seven sack of rice per acre from traditional farming. But after getting an education through the International Development Agency of the Netherlands (SNV) in collaboration with its partners, the residents are now reaping the same acres sack between 15 to 20 polymers intensive agriculture.

Rice which we have been redeemed rice is a staple food of Tanzanians been dominated behind corn. However, the use of rice as food production has been increasing despite her keep that to a minimum. In this context, intensive farming is certainly important to be implemented by farmers across the country due to its importance. Is this what the European agriculture is called System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and how deep run, what is it exactly?

History of intensive agriculture

Information available indicates that intensive rice cultivation transcription was first discovered in Madagascar by Fr. Henri de Laulanié approximately 20 years ago. Since then, agricultural practices that have shown great potential everywhere on earth actually spent and reforming the major rice.

The world record

Is defined by a network of miradikwanza. that the record of the world's rice production alive and universities for agricultural research, and older American farmers to produce as much. That record is kept by a farmer from the village of Darveshpura in India. By applying this principle to intensive rice cultivation, Darveshpura broke the world record by producing 22.4 tons (224 bags) per acre.

The record was previously held by a citizen of China who has to get 19 tons (190 bags) in one ups. Average yield for the world as a farmer will make good use of intensive agricultural practices, including best seed is four tonnes (40 bags downs).

What lurks behind intensive farming

The first is to reduce the density of seedlings farmer should plant a seedling as individuals for the position to the roots and trunk enough to have the maximum opportunity to grow. Second, in this farm there is little use of water for irrigation, so the farmer can use excess water to other activities. Third, the farmer can plant a large area with few seeds. Fourth, the crop will come out a lot and it is difficult to find disease (more than double the usual way). This method improves the soil and weeding his land has made contain more nutrients.

Important factors to consider?

A small amount of seed is used in this farm (2 to 3 kg per acre). ? Area of ​​40 square meters per acre of nursery suffices. ? One seedling for every embankment used? In one square meter should ridges 16? The greatest demand for weeding as one would naturally tend truncated. ? The growth of plants and herbs enhanced through the weeding. ?

Water float field for a long time is not required. ? 40 to 50 percent of the irrigation water is stored. ? There is a small use of electrical power when the irrigation water if needed and there are facilities that use electricity. ? There is a high rate of growth of the roots? A large majority of white roots consume less water. ? Use of mineral soil are better. ? There is a high level of Sprout with crumbs and the heads of grain. ?

Many products generated a large number of crumbs (tillers). Heads of grain (productive tillers) and the grain itself. ? Plants bear unfallen or lie down because of high winds or a storm. ? There is a lot of grain and crop stalks, ie plant residues. Panda nursery young seedlings carefully in the context of soil and ventilated.

Fear not see water in wet soil. Since the number of seedlings will be few in this system of growing rice, you can use a raised garden for growing seedlings. Recommended seeding rate as described above is 3 kg per acre.

• 40 square meters of garden planting in raised is sufficient for one acre.

• Create a garden of minimum 5 cm rise per 1m x 5m, 8 garden that is needed for part of 40m2 (40 square meters).

• Use of natural fertilizer (manure) to the field ripened well be done carefully.

• Do not use additional fertilizer later in the raised garden soil with enough nutrients. If not, put fertilizer to 'DAP' amount of 760 grams per acre (95 grams for each of 5M2 which elevated garden with soil.

• Spread sacks of fertilizer (polyethylene bags) on the garden for softness.

• Fill soil you compromise on these bags for minimum till 4 cm in height.

• Seed preserved and medicine 'Pseudomonas' at a rate of 10 grams per kilogram of seed.

• Use natural fertilizers 200 grams of 'Azophos' per kilo 3 seed.

• Mix 'Pseudomonas' and manure origin 'Azophos' and rice seed using the same combination of rice and water for 24 hours.

• Put the seeds for 24 hours in sisal bags for the purposes of growth. • Panda 375 grams of the seeds sown in every 5 square meters of elevated garden.

• Irrigate water using tin. Water that stands beside the elevated garden can be used.

• Cover garden using easily available raw materials such as coconut shells anywhere coconut, rice stalks and remove three days after planting the seeds sown. Management seedlings

• Pull the seedlings with soil from the garden to its plants it can flourish quickly.

• Disturbance bit of time to pluck up roots will help plants grow very quickly.

• Arrange seedlings in the wooden box and you to transfer up the field when you ascend ascends to make it easier to disperse seedlings. Remember, the nursery can be prepared away from the field.

It may be close to a farmer's house for protection and management. When transferring seedlings field, be planned in small boxes to facilitate transportation. It must not path seedlings over thirty minutes (half an hour) before planting. This method of raising seedlings and transport helps save time, between the garden and the farm. Farm constitutes required

• Synchronize your field will go up shoots well. That is important to be flat.

• powerful database tribulation planted in the field and have a non-synchronized plains are more likely to rot.

• Make small trenches for simplifying waterways.

• Leave measures 25 square centimeters (25cm x 25cm) from the embankment of the plant to another plant. Planting of the square

• You must plant the seedling individually for each embankment.

• Do not get in the pit of the stature of the deep.

• Planting a square of 25 x 25 cm ensures enough space

• In this planting device marking swivel (rolling marker) or ropes checked for planting can be used to obtain measurements appropriate action. Planting a seedling for every embankment has enormous benefits for the plant. Plants tend to have more health for limited competition between plants and a plant in the use of air, light and soil nutrients.

Thus each plant have enormous potential to produce or offset crumbs (tillers). Growing seedlings per square helps to have a chance to channel sufficient tool for weeding plants called kimombo rotary weeder weeder or Paddy machine. You spend weeding machine

• Using machine weeding is one of the most important step in this particular system. Gardening machines used once every ten days from the day of transplant seedlings (a total of four times in the life of paddy fields).

• Three laborers are sufficient to weed an acre at once (for one day).

• The weeds are uprooted and machinery and rot and so that fertilizers.

• Occasionally, the soil is disturbed, which has a beneficial plant. Basically weeding is important and that the farmer should ensure he made it to get high yield and also make for specialized equipment. By this stage the weeds are uprooted and buried in the sand to make it as fertilizer (green manure). Second, each time the device is invoked, the soil is disturbed and transformed, with more air on the sand.

This benefited the air and microbes that are strongly rooted in the soil. The third function of this device is to chop the weed roots of the plants separately. This action ensures grows new roots and a great ability to find food and nutrients from the soil. These three important task of weeding tool is causing more crumbs to offset plants also tend to stem strength to withstand hurricane winds and Irrigation

• Make sure there is no standing water in the field and also be controlled to be in the soil moist or dry conditions.

• Irrigate water to a depth of 2.5 cm after lines of cracks occurring in the soil. It may take seven days after watering until the soil creaks. If so then watering on your farm will be every seven days, until the rice begin bearing which will irrigate the field was just a pool of water when they dried up the field.

• Change turns of wet and glazing to air upwards through the soil to increase root growth and develop the functioning of micro-organisms.
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Sunflowers are grown in abundance in the regions of Shinyanga, Singida, Dodoma, Iringa, Tabora, Morogoro, Ruvuma, Mbeya, Arusha, Manyara and Rukwa. This crop is cultivated for food and trade.

Choose the best varieties of seeds
 • Choose the best type of seed tolerates a range of diseases, pests, providing a high yield and a large amount of oil.
• Also select the type of seeds that ripen at the same time to facilitate harvesting.

 • enriching the soil with compost and manure fertilizer to get the best yields.

 Sunflower susceptible to diseases of leaves, roots and ears which causes shortness of harvest. So it is important to manage them in order to obtain high yields and good quality. Additionally reduces the yield in the amount of 50 percent or more. Ways to control the aircraft's drive away and plant the seeds beneath mature early.

 • Check to see if the sunflower field matured. Sunflower mature between four to six months after planting. When the kernel contains 25 percent moisture of harvested sunflower It is necessary in advance to avoid the attacks of mice, ants and birds destroyers.

SYMPTOMS OF Sunflower mature
• Ear changes colour from yellow to black to be.
 • side of the head of the withers varies from pale yellow to be brown.

HARVESTING, Drying and Handling
Harvesting equipment to carry out the field
 • Knife
 • Baskets
• Sacks
 • canvas
• mats
• Gallery best travel agencies from the field
 • trolley
 • Matela tractors
 • carts and animals
 • Vehicles HARVESTING Sunflower is harvested by hand where the ear is cut with a knife. Also machine (combine harvester) are used in harvesting sunflower sunflower growing countries in abundance. Sunflower heads are placed in baskets that are used in collecting sunflower field. Then sunflowers are then packed in bags and transported to the home ready for drying.

 There are two stages of drying sunflower; grain drying and drying sunflower seeds. drying ears
• Corn shalt not large, flat on the best gallery in the depth of 30 centimeters so that they can dry out thoroughly.
• It also can spread on tarpaulins, mats or floor clean.
 • The goal of this step is dried sunflower heads to facilitate threshing. Threshing Threshing is done after making sure that the heads of the sunflowers dry well. Sunflower heads are beaten out by hand where the seeds are separated by hitting ears procedures using tree. It is important to avoid hitting heads procedures shred seeds
. • Also put on the best gallery, tarpaulins or mats.

 • Sunflower seeds are dried in the sun to spread on to vaccinate best, tarpaulins, mats or floor clean.
• Spread the seeds in a depth of 4 cm to be able to dry properly.
 • The goal of this step is drying the seeds after threshing to achieve the required level of moisture for safe storage, which is 8 percent.

rubbing seeds
 • dried seed pods easily it comes to the point where cleaned. Pouring into the vessel as bucket
• dried seeds emit bright, when they poured out on these vessels.
• The dried seeds shine Use timer drain.
• Seeds dried properly measure reflects 8 percent

 Winnowing and sifting is done to remove waste such as rocks, insects, chaff, seed rotten or cracked. Sunflower seeds are sifting using a sieve or a machine operated by hand or electric engines. These machines are capable of winnowing and sifting 60 to 350 kg per hour depending on the type of machine and the size of the machine itself

Sunflower beaten out which is stored in the warehouses of the best well-defined, ie Henge, cheese. Sunflower storage in warehouses in sacks and startled to be planned on overlaps. To simplify the task of reviewing the store, leave space of one meter from the wall.

Seal all parts of the warehouse to prevent rodents to enter. Mice like to eat sunflower kernel, and causes a significant reduction of the kernel that causes the loss of 30 percent for a period of three months of storage. Percentage of losses may be higher depending on the number of rats and the availability of other foods at the same time.

Use Sunflower seeds Sunflower seeds can be eaten mainly containing lines after fried or dried. Also used in the manufacture of bread. Sunflower seeds are processed to obtain products of oil.

Processed Sunflower SEEDS OF GETTING FAT
• milking machine oil
• Filter clean
• Bucket
• packs
 • pots
 • Balance Raw Materials
 • Sunflower seeds
• Water
• Salt

Routes milking OIL
 • Choose the best sunflower seed
 • put in the sun for a period of 1 to 2 hours
 • Set the machine to press the bridge or Ram
 • Wring oil
 • Fuel Filter cloth or clean filter
• Add water and salt. In 10 liters of fuel put a liter of water and 200 grams of salt.
• Place the oil in the heating container (pan)
 • Boil until all water is over
• Sounds boiling when it is an indication that the water is gone.
 • sprout, let it cool down, then strain with a clean cloth or filter
• Pack into clean and dry containers and contain covered
• Keep seals and labels • Store in a clean, dry and dim.

 Oil is used in different recipes and contain the following nutrients: - fat 100 grams Power kilokalori 900
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Aubergine is in the category of plants involving tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes candle. This vegetable has important nutritional value as well as mining of limestone and iron, vitamins A, B and C, carbohydrates, protein and water. This vegetable used to make soup or as an ingredient in various foods.

It also can be stored by cutting pieces and placed in cans.

This crop requires average temperatures, deep soil fertile enough and do not retain water. Typically eggplant cultivated more than one season, but in tropical countries (heat) this crop is cultivated in a season.

Types of eggplant area being cultivated in large quantities in the countries of the temperate zone are as follows: -

Black Beauty:
This type bears very, blackened fruit, dramatic, and circular

Florida Market.
Florida Fruit Market is shaped egg. This form also bears much fruit, but easily attacked by bacterial wilt disease (Bacterial wilt)

Florida High Bush.
Its fruits are large egg-shaped and green mixed with black.

Newyork spineless.
Fruits of Newyork spineless are rounded, large and contain color purple.

This variety produces so much, its fruits are large quantities and is shaped egg.

Other types of eggplant are granite, Kopek and Rosita. These types are very occasional attacks wilt disease bacteria.

Growing the seed:
Seeds are sown in the nursery first and then seedlings are transferred to the field. Before spawning, we will make a one meter wide and any length. Apply natural fertilizers such as manure or rotting garbage properly, the amount of one or two buckets in the area of ​​one square meter. seed volume two to three grams (half a teaspoon containing five grams load) in the area.

Yes This Taming Your Easy, Getting On Ground poverty.

500 grams of seeds are enough to transplant in the area of ​​one hectare. Spacing between rows should be 10 to 15 centimeters and 1.5 centimeters be comprehensive. When sowing seeds buried and spread straw and then watered. Continue watering the garden every day, morning and evening, until the seeds germinate cleft. Seeds germinate in 10 to 12 days.

The seedlings are ready to transplant the field after six to eight weeks. While this is the height of 15 to 20 centimeters (equivalent to the length of a pencil).

One month before planting seedlings, fertilize the soil with natural fertilizers composted set properly. These fertilizers are as manure, green manures and chicken manure.

Enter the amount of 10 to 20 tons per hectare. This amount is similar to the one set up two buckets containing 20 liter in the area of ​​one square meter. Fertilizer mixed N.P.K form of a ratio of 20:10:10 is placed in the hole when planting the seedling. The amount required is three to five grams (equivalent to half a teaspoon to a tablespoon little tea) per hole.

Place transplant depends on the type of eggplant. Subtypes are grafted in place of 80 to 100 centimeters from row to row and 50 to 60 centimeters from seedling to plant. Type big graft in place until the space of 80 centimeters from row to row 100 and 80 to 90 centimeters from seedling to plant. The task of transferring seedlings executed with the utmost care to avoid at the root.

Change Your Life To Invest In Agriculture This Cha garlic.

· Keep mulch.
Immediately after transplanting seedlings, spread hay. Mulch helps retain moisture, prevent weeds to germinate and increases soil fertility.

· Weeding.
Make sure the field is clean at all times to prevent competition for food, water and light between plants and weeds. Cleanliness of the field also eliminates havens pests and prevents the spread of diseases.

Fertilizer promotional type of S / A is set three weeks after the plant starts to flower. The amount of three to five grams placed round each. Fertilization be kept at a distance of five to 15 centimeters from the trunk, depend on the size of the plant. Make sure to touch the fertilizer plant.

Cutting peak.
Two weeks after transplanting seedlings, cut the top part of the plant (peak) as you ascend the long variety eggplant. This will help you get up to four and three branches forming plant get three to four branches and  forming the shape of the bush. Four branches littering removed in order to get the best yields.

Eggplant crop grows well when get enough water. Irrigation should be carried out every morning and evening, depending on weather conditions.

Preventing pests and diseases.

Vivyatomvu of Aubergine (Eggplant Lacebugs)
These insects are vulnerable to the lower part of the leaf. It absorbs the sap of the leaves and cause the leaves have white or yellow patches. Attack leaves littering falls down. Vinyatomvu can be prevented by spraying one of the following: -

Deltamethrin (Decis), dimethoate (Sapa dimethoate) fenvalerate (Sumicidin), Lambda - cyhalothrin (Karate).

Aphids or insects oil (Cotton Aphids)
These are small insects with black paint. Attacks young leaves and stunting their source and sad. Prevent these pests by using one of the following: -
Dimocron 50% E.C, Lambda - cyhalothrin (Karate) Dichlorvos (Mogos).

Elusiveness of Plants (Red Spider TES).
It is a tiny germs contain crimson. Attacks straw for sucking the sap. Leaves that are susceptible shows like spider webbing. Attacks mea littering the retarded, the leaves wither and eventually die.

Elusiveness is blocked by using the following drugs: - Acrex, Karathane 25% W.P, dimethoate, Ekalux, Kelthane.

Root knotnematodes.
These insects attack the roots. Provides stool that is toxic to the plant. This causes toxins to be rooted hump as the roots of beans. Attack littering the plant is stunted, wither and eventually die.

Ways to prevent these pests are changing crop pattern after harvesting this crop, the next crop should not be the one category and eggplant as well as tomatoes, peppers and potatoes. Also spray form of carbofuran (Furadan) can be used.

Bacterial wilt (Bacterial Wilt).
This disease is caused by backteria. Plant withers suddenly attacked especially during the heats.
Wilt bacteria can be prevented by changing the crop. If the land will be invaded by the disease eggplant crop literally planted in the area for a period of three to five years.

Another way is to plant eggplant varieties such as Matale, Kopek and Rosita that endures an attack of this disease.

Phomopsis Vexans:
This disease is caused by bacteria from attacking the leaves, stems and fruit.

Verticillium Wilt.
Spreads and water and cause plant stunting, leaf sad and fall.

Disease Phomopsis vexans and Verticillium Wilt can be prevented by removing ma burn the plants attacked, rotations, and put the field in a sanitary condition at all times.

Eggplant begins to mature fruit after two to three months from the transplant. Harvesting continues for a period of more than four months and it must be done early in fruit maturation. Very ripe fruit unsuitable because farmed and fibres and ripe seeds.
Harvest two or three times a week, using a sharp knife so as not to hurt your friend fruit.

Usually this crop bears much fruit if it has been preserved properly. Well-maintained field can yield 50 to 60 tons per hectare. However yields depends on the type of eggplant, irrigation and soil fertility.