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The act of marriage is one of the most important pleasures for human health as well as it increases the strength of the relationship between the wife and the husband, although the act of marriage during pregnancy can change according to one pregnant woman and another.

When is the last time a pregnant woman participates in the act of marriage due to her pregnancy?

A pregnant woman can perform the act of marriage as usual at the beginning of pregnancy, that is, from the beginning, middle and end of the pregnancy until she is about to give birth.

Some pregnant women reduce the desire or enthusiasm to do the act during pregnancy, something that gives them a hard time for their partners, the decrease in desire for the act of marriage occurs in the pregnant woman from the time she is three months pregnant in the beginning of pregnancy and sometimes three months of late pregnancy.

During the first three months of pregnancy , some pregnant women reduce their desire for the act due to various changes in their body, such as the increase in some hormones and other changes such as: changes in periods, nausea or vomiting, nipple pain, feeling very tired and uncomfortable and etc

Three months in the middle of pregnancy , many expectant mothers who lost the desire for marriage during the first 3 months of pregnancy, their desire for marriage can return to normal and continue to enjoy the pleasure of marriage with their partner, this is because some Hormonal changes can decrease slightly compared to the beginning of the 3 months of their pregnancy, although there are some pregnant women who may continue to lack the desire for marriage because the 3 months in the middle of pregnancy is also a completely normal situation and there is no need to be afraid.

During the last three months of pregnancy , some pregnant women experience waist pain, nausea and abdominal pain, vaginal pain, etc., which can lead to some pregnant women not having the motivation to have sex, which is also normal, although there are some who can be good and continue to participate in the Marriage Act as usual in this Late Pregnancy period.

Despite all that, there are a few pregnant women who find a greater desire to share the act of marriage with their husbands than the period when they were not pregnant, something that is normal and does not have any problems.

Good news!

A pregnant woman can perform the act of marriage throughout her pregnancy from when the pregnancy is 1 week until the pregnancy is mature and the period when she is about to give birth (weeks 37 to 42), although there are things that can make the pregnant woman not participate in the act of marriage even if she has the desire or enthusiasm of making Love or sharing the Act of Marriage with his partner.


A Pregnant Mother is not allowed to participate in the Marriage Act even if she gets the desire to do the Act during the Pregnancy period if she has the following characteristics or Things;
  • Vaginal Bleeding in any period of Pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy threatening to be damaged during pregnancy
  • History of repeated miscarriages before 28 weeks.
  • History of preterm delivery or preterm delivery (Less than 37 to 42 weeks).
  • Placenta/Fertus clinging close to the Anus or Clinging to the Anus.
  • Weakness of the Cervix or Cervix shorter than normal (Under Sentimenta 2.5).
  • The bottle burst early before the Bitter.
  • Husband or Partner of a Pregnant Woman with Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

NOTE: If you are pregnant, if you have more than one partner or one partner who is unfaithful, it is better to use condoms to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases throughout your pregnancy.
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Hello, its another day, as usual, through our favorite feature of Fashion to be able to know several things related to beauty, sir.

Today we will focus on foods that strengthen the health of the skin, as you know a woman without beauty is still incomplete sir or am I lying?

Yes, it is like that so that you can be beautiful and better, you must love yourself and monitor your skin and know how you nurture it, sir, join me in this short extract so that you can get more knowledge on these issues.

Without further ado, let's start directly by looking at what foods can improve the health of the skin around.


Honey that is made by bees contains natural ingredients and is one of the most important foods for improving skin health. Honey helps to maintain and retain moisture in the skin and has a high level of sugar and acids that prevent germs that reproduce on the skin.

Apply honey in the shower, then leave it on for a while and wash it off. Doing so helps lighten the skin. 


Eggs are also important for the health of your skin, the egg yolk contains vitamins A and B, while the mucus part contains a lot of protein which is also important for the skin. Egg yolk is important in making the skin smooth and shiny and also helps the skin to protect itself well from the sun's rays.


Fruits are also important, especially oranges and lemons, which help to strengthen the health of the skin, because they help to make collagen, which is a type of protein that makes the skin.  

The fruits contain Vitamin C, which helps to remove swelling and wrinkles of the skin and thus protect the skin from premature aging.


vegetables are also important for the health of the skin as we know they are loaded with vitamins and nutrients of various types that are very beneficial for the skin and the body in general. These leafy vegetables help the skin to generate new cells and remove dead ones, thus reducing dryness and keeping the skin glowing and attractive. 


Seafood in general is good for skin health. Most seafood is rich in Zinc and Omega 3 which are important for skin health. The benefits of Omega 3 include removing roughness or dryness of the skin, reducing inflammation and wrinkles of the skin and helps good blood circulation in the body thus improving the skin.

Aloooooh, you can say wow in a foreign language sir, why should you stay with a skin that has no appeal and natural things are like this? 

Let me just tell you that the Swahili say that if you want beauty, be beautiful, sir.

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Good Nutrition is a total of foods with health benefits for the body. These foods contain vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. It is good to know that these foods contain important minerals that humans need.

Many doctors encourage people to eat traditional foods. Such as boiled potatoes, bananas, cassava to strengthen health in the body. Modern foods are like sausages, strips, which are often harmful to the body. It is better to focus on good nutrition to prevent many diseases in the body.

Aquatic vegetables, vegetables are foods found in the roots of plants, such as cassava. Let's not forget that these foods provide the body with minerals that help in the growth of organs. It is clear that a person who eats nutritious foods and minerals is healthier. His body gets plenty of protection against communicable and non-communicable diseases. Any person who eats food that is low in nutrients is at risk of suffering from various diseases in the body.

Food gives us strength and energy to do daily activities. Food is also a shield that protects the body against dangerous diseases in the body.

Fruits and vegetables are very important sources of vitamins and minerals for the child's body . Giving your child fruits and vegetables helps the child have enough nutrients in the body and helps protect the body from diseases.

Protein foods like meat, fish, eggs and vegetables like beans are important. Protein often helps in building muscles and tissues. An example of soft meat is chicken or fish, or sometimes people mix it with other foods.

Good Nutrition is a different food, this is protein food. Fruits and vegetables full of fruits and minerals. Every human needs a small amount of fat and sugar. Due to the pride of many people, they ignore the doctor's prescription and eat foods with less sugar and fat, rather than small meals. Any human if you don't have a good diet, you can improve your overall health condition. Improve your ability to fight diseases, improve your ability to recover from illness or injury and most importantly increase your energy level.

We all know that we could use less energy throughout the day. It is better to understand the various functions of the body , such as fat in the body. What food is fat found in? Oilseeds are like peanuts. Its job is to give strength and heat to the body. Protein is like beans, pulses and soy. The function of protein is to build the body and constantly repair the human body.

There are minerals like (calcium and phosphorus) found in food such as seafood flour, roasted bone flour. The function of minerals in the body is to make bones. food and water is good for the farmer to know the use of water and food.

Health Minister Susan Nahumicha encourages all employees in her ministry to support the health program for all is attached to the popular community health insurance (shif) to get a stable health insurance. This insurance is expected to start in the month of Julia this year, where every Kenyan is expected to register. . As we know health is better than wealth, prevention is better than cure.

It is always good to plant local food, the good environment is attractive when it is always green, people who work hard in the field, harvest food, mostly, the fish is still fresh. agriculture is the backbone of the country. In Kericho county, the green landscape attracts the people. There, the deputy president, Mr. Rigathi Gachagua, jacks the agricultural sector.

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Before starting today's topic, I would like to express my sincere thanks to God because he has enabled me to reach this day. Today's topic is about the dangerous days when a woman has sex without protection then she is at risk of getting pregnant.

I have decided to give this topic after realizing that the increase in cases of abortion and throwing away children and even having street children are mostly caused by unexpected pregnancies.

Other pregnancies occur because the parent does not know the day of danger in order to prevent it from happening.

It is very important for a woman to know her menstrual cycle, the cycles are in three main groups which are: Short cycle of 25 days back to back, normal cycle of 28 days and long cycle of 30-35 days.

Most women's cycle is normal, that is 28 days, this is what I will talk about more today.

To find out how many days your cycle is, you need to count from the first day you see menstrual blood to the first day you see menstrual blood of the following month. For example, if you see menstrual blood on October 15th, then that is your first day.

For a person with a cycle of 28 days, his most dangerous days to get pregnant are the fourteenth day 14, so from the 12th day to the 16th day if he has sex without protection, he can get pregnant.

I know someone may wonder if the dangerous day is the 14th now, why if he has sex on the 12th can he get pregnant? This is because male sperm have the ability to last for 24 to

48 hours after intercourse, so if a woman has sex on the 12th and if the egg comes out on the 14th, it will still find the seeds alive so they will be fertilized.

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From the European myth of a "healthy drinking culture" to the surprising effects of regular family meals, science is overturning old beliefs about alcohol and youth.

I turned 18 the day before I left home for university, easily passing the UK age limit by buying alcohol in time to explore the student pubs. When I checked in with a doctor near my new home, he asked me how many alcohol tests I drank each week - the standard way to measure alcohol consumption here in the UK, with 1.5 units roughly equivalent to a small glass of wine. "About seven," I said, hastily putting down a few vodkas-and-oranges that I would enjoy all night with my friends from school. I thought this was low, but I've never been much of a lawbreaker.

"That will go up now you here," the doctor replied with a dry laugh. He was not wrong. Within weeks, I was happily drinking a bottle of wine before planning a shot at the student bar. I knew that drinking too much alcohol could cause lifelong harm, but I hadn't considered that my youth would be more dangerous, compared to someone in their 30s, 40s or 50s. Were the risks the same for all adults?

If I had heard what I know now about the unique ways alcohol can affect the adolescent brain, I might have been more careful. At 18, my brain was still developing, and wouldn't mature for at least seven years. This changes how we react to alcohol - and drinking during this critical period can have long-term consequences for our cognitive development.

Talking to researchers about the effects of alcohol on young people, I was surprised by many other findings besides these. Research from around the world is beginning to overturn many common assumptions about age and alcohol, such as the idea that continental Europeans have a healthier drinking culture than Britain or the United States, and that allowing young people to drink at home with meals teaches them alcohol responsibility. Whether or not this new science should change our current drinking laws is a complicated political issue, but a better understanding of the facts may at least allow future generations to make better choices about the ways they choose to party — and may help parents decide. how to handle alcohol in their home.

Small bodies, big minds

Let's be clear: alcohol is poison. Its risks include serious accidents, liver diseases, and many types of cancer. Even small amounts can cause cancer, leading the World Health Organization to declare that "when it comes to alcohol consumption, there is no safe amount that does not harm health".

Few activities are completely risk-free, though, and the risks tend to be weighed against the pleasures that alcohol can bring. So our health policies are guided by the principle of harm prevention and moderate drinking. In the United States this is defined as not drinking more than two drinks a day for men,

and no more than one drink a day for women - with many other countries offering similar guidance. Although beer and wine are usually seen as the safest drinks, as the US guidelines say, the type of drink is not the important factor - rather, it is the amount of alcohol consumed: "One 12-ounce beer contains about the same amount of alcohol. One glass of five ounces of wine or a 1.5 ounce shot of alcohol." Laws around the age of purchasing alcohol follow the same logic of damage prevention: laws protect children, while allowing young people to make their own choices. In most European countries, the minimum age is 18 - in the US it is 21.

However, there are many reasons why alcohol can be more dangerous for young people, even after passing the minimum drinking age. One is body size and shape: young people don't reach their adult height until 21, and even after they stop growing vertically, they may lack the bulk of a 30- or 40-year-old. "Drinking one glass of alcohol therefore causes higher blood alcohol levels in young people than in adults," says Ruud Roodbeen, a postdoctoral researcher at Maastricht University and author of Beyond Legislation, which examines the effects of raising the minimum drinking level. age.

The lean frame of youth is also characterized by a high head-to-body ratio. When you drink alcohol, it enters your bloodstream and spreads throughout your body. Within five minutes, it reaches your brain, easily crossing the blood-brain barrier that normally protects your brain from harmful substances. "A relatively large proportion of alcohol ends up in the minds of young people, and that's another reason why young people are more likely to get alcohol poisoning," Roodbeen says.


Important are the changes that occur inside the skull. In the past, neural development was thought to stop in our teens, but a lot of recent research shows that the adolescent brain undergoes rewiring that doesn't end until at least age 25.

The most important changes include a decrease in "gray matter" as the brain removes the synapses that allow one cell to communicate with another. At the same time, white matter - long-distance connections known as axons covered by an insulating fatty sheath - tends to increase. "It's like the highways of the brain," says Lindsay Squeglia, a neuropsychologist at the Medical University of South Carolina. The result is a more efficient neural network that can process information faster.

The limbic system, associated with pleasure and reward, is the first to mature. "These areas are completely adult during adolescence," Squeglia explains. The frontal cord, which is behind the forehead, is slow to mature. This area is responsible for higher-order thinking - which includes emotional regulation, decision-making, and self-control.

At high enough frequencies and levels, adolescent alcohol consumption can impair long-term brain development. Long-term studies show that early drinking is associated with a faster decline in gray matter, while the growth of white matter is slowed. "Those highways don't get paved like kids who start drinking," says Squeglia.

Results may not be immediately apparent in diagnostic tests; in the young brain, regions involved in problem solving may work a little harder to compensate for the deficit. It cannot keep this forever, however. "After many years of drinking, we see less activation in the brain and poorer performance on these tests," says Squeglia.

Early drinking can also affect mental health, and increases the risk of alcohol abuse later in life. This is especially true for people who have a family history of alcoholism - the earlier they start, the more likely they are to develop a drinking problem themselves. Genes associated with increased risk of alcohol abuse appear to have a significant influence during this critical period of brain development. "And the longer a person can wait, the less likely these genes will be activated," says Squeglia.

How can parents' decisions to allow teenagers to drink at home affect them?

How might these findings affect young people's choices - and their parents' decisions about how and when to allow them to drink at home?

"Our message is to delay as much as you can," says Squeglia, "because your brain is still developing, and let your brain grow and be as healthy as it can be before you start getting involved in things like alcohol and substance use."

Whether this advice should be incorporated into law is another matter. Squeglia says that, in his public talks on drinking, audience members often raise the question of "the European drinking model". In some countries such as France, children are allowed to drink a glass of wine or beer to accompany a family meal. Even outside of Europe, many parents believe that the gradual introduction of alcohol in a controlled context teaches young people to drink safely and reduces later binge drinking, where prohibition leads to it being "forbidden fruit".

Much evidence shows that stricter drinking laws, including a lower purchasing age, also encourage more responsible drinking. Consider the study of Alexander Ahammer at Johannes Kepler University Linz in Austria, where anyone over the age of 16 can legally buy beer or wine. If stricter laws only increase the appetite for alcohol, then you'd expect Austria to have a healthier drinking culture than the US - where the minimum legal drinking age is 21. But that's not the case.

Both countries see an increase in over-age drinking. "But the increase was 25% higher in Austria at age 16 than in the US at age 21," Ahammer says.

Waiting, in other words, seemed to encourage more responsible behavior when Americans were allowed to legally buy drinks.

Interviewing his participants about their behavior, Ahammer found that Austrians' perceptions of the dangers associated with drinking changed dramatically when they turned sixteen. "When alcohol becomes legal, young people see it as less dangerous than before," Ahammer says. At the age of 16, that false sense of security can be dangerous, whereas at the age of 21, the more mature the brain can handle its drink.

Nor does the idea of ​​a European healthy drinking culture hold true throughout life. According to the World Health Organization, statistics show that half of all alcohol-related cancers in the European region are caused by light and moderate alcohol consumption.

Based on the scientific evidence, should governments set the minimum legal age at 25 or older - once the brain stops developing? Experts say it's not that simple, as the benefits of public health need to be balanced against people's perceptions of personal freedom.

"I think there's very little public appetite for a 25-year-old drinking age," says James MacKillop, who studies addictive behavior at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. "A higher legal age is considered paternalistic, and it can be seen as hypocritical if the legal age for most people to vote, or the legal age for military service, is 18 or 19."

Ahammer agrees. "Sometimes we just have to let people make their own decisions."

Instead, MacKillop suggests young people can be better educated about the dangers of alcohol, and the ways it can affect the developing brain. "Simply assuming that people will develop responsible behaviors when it comes to these drugs is an optimistic assumption," he says.

Looking back on my youth, I would be interested to know about the ongoing changes in my brain, and the effects my alcohol consumption could have had on its wiring. I don't expect that I'd become an alcoholic — I still drink today, after all, despite knowing the long-term health risks — but I might think twice before buying an extra round.
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Many people, men and women, are fatter than they want to be in today's life, and these people are looking for ways to lose weight.

There are different ways that people eat and drink, like some people eat dinner and don't eat after five in the evening.

So they only eat fruit for a few days, but they will gain weight again after some time.

People often listen to various rumors about how to reduce their body weight but the words they hear do not bear good fruit.

Eat only fruits and vegetables

Some people say that eating only fruits and vegetables can cause dehydration, but is it true?

If your goal is to reduce water, you should watch how you eat anything, be it vegetables or fruits.

Using nutritional supplements

Experts have said that the use of these drugs alone cannot reduce blood flow.

But you have to be careful with sweet foods like pizza and so on.

Eat healthy food instead of junk food

It is true that many people believe that it is beneficial to eat a lot and eat a lot of food and lose body water, it is true.

But the important thing is to reduce the calories in the food that one eats.

If you eat food that is high in calories, it will be difficult to lose weight.

One will need a lot of money to eat luxury food
Many people feel that they need a lot of money to eat foods that are high in calcium and will not make them fat.

Scientists have said that this is not the case at all.

Drink plenty of water instead of food
If you refuse to eat and instead eat unhealthy food, your body will lose the nutrients it needs.

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Today in the Fashion segment, I have provided you with extracts that will help you, a girl or a boy who has a chronic problem of having too much oil on your face, so don't worry, just continue to follow me carefully.

First of all, most of us hate having oil on our face that leads to persistent acne, that is, chronic acne and skin damage.

Basically that situation is annoying, but surprisingly it also has its beauty when you have an oily face hahahahahaaa! I know you will be very surprised here, but keep on searching and you will know what I mean my dears who love Beauty and Fashion.

What you don't know is that an oily face does not hold wrinkles as quickly as a dry face. This is one of the biggest benefits of facial oil.

Now let's look at ways to take care of oily face

* An oily face must be washed regularly with 'facewash', not ordinary soaps, that is, there are special soaps that reduce the oil on the face and they are widely available in stores or supermarkets.

* An oily face is washed 2 or 3 times a day here, I know people think they are lazy to do that or busy at work, but at least if you do that, it will help the skin of your face to look good.

* Oily face does not want hot water at all, that is, how should one not lie, oily face is washed using hot water because it is toxic to oily face because it increases the temperature and brings many pimples on the face.

* An oily face with a lot of pimples should not be scrubbed because if you do a scrub, the pimples burst and release fluid that spreads and produces a lot of pimples and also causes excess oil on the face.

* An oily face causes makeup to not last as long as it should, it is advised to rub your face and neck with ice after applying makeup.

* An easy way to reduce oil on the face is to rub lemon on the face. lemon is acidic and cuts oil, you are advised to cut a piece of lemon and then rub it on your face and leave it on until it dries, then wash it off with tap water or if you like cold water from the 'fridge'.

You can also squeeze enough lemons and mix it with water and freeze it into ice and then rub it on your face. It brings cleanliness and reduces oil on the face and removes blemishes as well.

* Oily face does not want heat. By heat, I mean lotion or oil of any kind, if you apply lotion or oil on the face where the face is already oily, it causes acne in abundance. The pimples are small or large with pus and leave marks and patches on the face.

* If you have a long journey, then go ahead the day before or spend the whole day with lemon water on your face and before you start applying makeup, rub normal ice or lemon water and wash it with tap water or cold water from the fridge and then apply makeup.

Another thing that will help you with an oily face is to avoid using cosmetics that are oily here and talk to those who agree to get random advice from people who don't know about beauty.